Past Exhibitions
Stunning surrealism artworks from Alice Palmer combine digital photography with collage, via the medium of knitted tapestry, using luxurious silk threads in hot pink, silvery grey, gunmetal, black and white. Interspersed with pop-art inspired photography and digitally created art from our founding partners Emma J Crosby & Simon Mitchell, together with surrealism favourites from Nagual Creations.
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Past Exhibitions
In this trip, the stuff of the silver screen is actually there in front of you. It’s real – the things you recognize from cult movies; immaculately preserved muscle cars; beautiful mid century modern design & the gritty day to day in the wilds of America.
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Past Exhibitions
Mikolaj Karczewski’s experimental vision coupled with his love of cars and eye for detail make for incredible paintings. In his new ‘Flooded Landscape’ series, Mikolaj points out that to many observers, this is a catastrophic view. Yet at the same time, it can be taken as a commentary on global warming and climate change.
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Past Exhibitions
Nagual Creations returns with a set of original oil paintings, in his unique style that are inspired by his musical journey. Together with Imogen Belfield’s rockesque pieces, featured in music videos, and worn by pop and rock stars alike, we aim to include all music-lovers in some shape or form
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Past Exhibitions
‘Days of Punk’ – an exhibition of 29 images from the award-winning, internationally renowned director and photographer, Michael Grecco.
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Past Exhibitions
From rivers to seas to aquatic life, and a little rain thrown in for good measure, water inspires creativity and it’s reach is broad. Our featured artists are Danni Bradford, Rach Wellbeing and Emma J Crosby.
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Past Exhibitions
Sybarite Collaboration
The concept of our suspended installation ‘The Invisible String’ by Taylor Zhou was inspired by the children’s book of the same name that Taylor reads with his daughters at bedtime to explain what love is.
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Past Exhibitions
Love Exhibition
As we emerge from the troubles and strife of 2021 and begin this new year, let’s open it with LOVE. Love is like an invisible string that connects us emotionally, be it to friends, family, lovers or even to our ‘self’. Love means many things to many people. It’s not just desire, not just…
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Past Exhibitions
Open Call
Our open call is now closed, and the selected photographers have been notified. The group exhibition will open on 27th January.
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Past Exhibitions
Gentle Yoga
Pip’s therapeutic practice will guide you through the basic movements of Hatha yoga, breathing and meditation to help you build a successful yoga practice, improving health and well-being for all ages and abilities.
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